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Differential Probe vs Single-Ended Probe Comparison


Previously, if you used high-bandwidth oscilloscopes and active probes, you could choose either single-ended probes or differential probes. You typically used single-ended probes for measuring single-ended signals (a voltage versus ground) and differential probes for measuring differential signals (a plus voltage versus a minus voltage). While it was possible to buy only differential probes and use them to measure both differential and single-ended signals, for practical reasons, most people did not. Differential probes were typically more expensive and harder to use, and had less bandwidth than single-ended probes. The Keysight Technologies, Inc. InfiniiMax probe system allows either differential or single-ended probing and largely eliminates past objections to differential probes. The new probe system uses interchangeable probe heads that are optimized for hand browsing, plug-on socket connections, or solder-in connections.


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Column Control DTX