How to Test USB4 Receiver Compliance

High-Performance BERT
+ High-Performance BERT

Calibrate and test USB4 receiver performance to USB-IF standards

Testing physical-layer (PHY) USB4 receivers for conformance or compliance requires a USB4 testbed comprised of a BERT, high-bandwidth oscilloscope, receiver test application software, and a USB4 microcontroller test module. The application software automates measurement and test case execution as specified in the USB4 Electrical Compliance Test Specification, as defined by the Universal Serial Bus Implementers Forum (USB-IF).

Precision testbed calibration is required to ensure the device under test passes conformance specification. This requires optimizing the transmitter equalizer and then finely calibrating the bit error ratio tester's (BERT) stress signal using a high-performance oscilloscope. During the receiver test, the BERT injects the stress signals on the lane under test. The test automation software and a USB4 microcontroller test module are used to perform the BER test, which validates whether or not the device under test exceeds the allowance defined by the USB compliance test specification.

Automated USB4 receiver compliance test solution

Automated USB4 receiver compliance test solution

USB4 receiver testing requires precise stress signal calibration and consistently repeatable bit error ratio measurements. The Keysight USB4 receiver test solution comprises the N5991U40A USB4 receiver test software for receiver calibration and testing, running on an M8040A high-performance BERT, a UXR-Series high-performance oscilloscope for signal calibration, a USB4 microcontroller test module, and additional signal integrity software for the oscilloscope.

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