In addition to IV measurement of parameter analyzer, semiconductor device analyzer provides integrated CV and pulse measurements from a touch-screen interface.


  • A wide pulse range up to 30 V / 1 A (0.1 A DC)
  • Pulse width down to 50 µs with 2 μs resolution (10 times faster pulse than other SMUs of B1500A)
  • Oscilloscope view is supported to confidently verify the pulsed measurement setup and optimize its parameters quickly and easily

Faster pulsed measurement down to 50 µs pulse width and wide range up to 30 V/1 A

The 50 µs Pulse Medium Current SMU is an SMU designed for faster pulsed IV measurement. It enables a pulsed measurement down to 50 µs pulse width, a 10 times or more narrow pulsed measurement than provided by a comparable conventional SMU. In addition, the instrument offers a wider range and versatility, up to 30 V / 1A, with voltage/current programmability. It is useful to characterize high to medium power devices on the new materials such as SiC and GaN, and organic devices, and the MCSMU expands your choices of pulsed IV measurement.

Oscilloscope view for confidently timing precision pulsed IV measurement

The oscilloscope view displays measured MCSMU module current and voltage data versus time. The pulsed measurement waveforms appear in a separate window for easy verification of the measurement timings. This function is useful for verifying waveform, optimizing timing parameters, and debugging pulsed measurements. The oscilloscope view can display the pulsed waveform timings at any user specified sweep step of the sweep output. It is available in the tracer test mode of the EasyEXPERT.

For more information about Keysight Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer, please visit B1500A Semiconductor Device Parameter Analyzer and Measurement Modules.

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