What's new in BreakingPoint 9.22 release?
How does Breakingpoint 9.22 help you stay up-to-date, safe and productive?
BreakingPoint 9.22 release opens the path to native HTTP/2 support including NAT and Proxy features for the Application and Threat Intelligence (ATI) content. HTTP/2 is currently the most prevalent transport protocol on the Internet with around 70% of the traffic leveraging it. Paired with Encrypted SNI support and HTTP Archive Record (HAR) Simulator, this release helps you validate up-to-date HTTP scenarios using up-to-date application content while also scaling up the required resources for more advanced encryption techniques like eSNI.
On the ATI content side, you are now able to create your own application mixes using the newly introduced HAR Simulator. The ability to import actual HTTP archive files as superflows is now integrated in BreakingPoint 9.22. All the existing BreakingPoint capabilities can be now leveraged in very specific scenarios without the need to reach out to the Application and Threat Intelligence team to provide new content in a subsequent update. This will ensure that your scenario is available with zero turnaround time and all the specifics are under your control. More than that, you have the option to do several trial and errors before you decide which browser capture best fits the purpose in minutes.
This release also adds fan out capabilities both for the CloudStorm-XP Fusion 2-port 100GE and for the APS-ONE-100 appliance. Considering that CloudStorm-XP Fusion 2-port 100GE now has the same capabilities as the standard CloudStorm load module and that the APS-ONE-100 can be used in both clustered and standalone modes this will also help you keep your budget under control while expanding the connectivity options. In addition, a new CloudStorm-XP Fusion flavor is now available starting with BreakingPoint 9.22 with support for 8x10GE ports covering lower budget opportunities. This is also field upgradable to a full 2x100GE using relevant upgrade activation codes.
What’s new in this release:
Fan-out support
- Fan-out support for CloudStorm-XP Fusion 2-port 100GE
- Full feature parity with CloudStorm and PerfectStorm family making it a better budget option
- All speeds on a single port allows better interoperability
- 100/50/40/25/10GE speeds added
- Fan-out support for APS-ONE-100 appliances
- Delivering 100/25/10GE support on a single port to ensure better connectivity
- New flavor of CloudStorm-XP Fusion with support for 8x10GE ports
- Field upgradable to 2x100GE using activation codes
Release drivers
- Bringing HTTP/2 native implementation with NAT & Proxy support enabling the user to select the preferred transport type. A broad range of customer types will benefit from HTTP/2 test scenarios, from Network Equipment Manufacturers to Service Providers vendors and from Enterprise to Datacenter customers.
- Introducing HAR Simulator
- Provides the ability to create custom content based on actual HAR files by importing downloaded HTTP archive files as superflows
- Addresses specific use case on the spot by allowing the user to quickly capture browser traffic and import it as an actual superflow
- Integrated with ATI content delivery with new HAR based applications delivered regularly
- Encrypted Server Name Indication
- Provides option to encrypt the SNI in the TLS handshake to ensure privacy and avoid MITM attacks
- Helps NGFW vendors to validate their devices performance at higher loads generated by additional encryption steps
- Test component level statistics now allows more specific debug at test runtime for each type of traffic. Real-time stats are now available for each component in a test, providing more insight on traffic key performance indicators and errors
- Enhanced security offered by multiple vulnerability fixes and upgrade to CentOS 7.9
- Individual Compute Node reboot is now supported via IPMI for APS-ONE-100 appliances
Check out these blogs for more information on HTTP Archive Record Simulator:
New BPS 9.22 Feature HAR Simulation
A Comprehensive Guide on HAR Files
Please report any issues with this release to Customer Support
Links to Software & Documentation
• BreakingPoint 9.22 Downloads & Updates
• BreakingPoint 9.22 Data Sheet