Do Your Network Tools Have A Need for Speed? Watch This Video!
Packet Boi Talks Hardware Acceleration
There’s an old saying in IT. "Do what you can in hardware, do what you must in software." There are few places where that maxim is more important than Network Packet Brokers. Case in point: did you know that most Network Packet Brokers weren't built to run multiple features, like deduplication and header stripping, at the same time? Believe it or not, most of our competitors will literally give you a matrix of features you can and can’t use together, all because they weren’t built to handle the pressure. If you need to use incompatible features and filters simultaneously, you literally have to buy multiple packet brokers and daisy-chain them together. It’s almost like buying a car and finding out the radio doesn’t work when you turn the turn signals on.
Sounds kind of crazy, right? We couldn't agree more. That's why we build Network Packet Brokers with hardware acceleration, so you can use all their available features and filters seamlessly. No compromises, no workarounds, and no sad stories required.
But enough of my babbling. Watch this short video to learn more!
Want to learn even more about the inner workings of your network? Check out the full Packet Boi archive to discover other topics like accessing network data, inline security, and how to prevent RansomWare from ravaging your network.