5 Quick Tips You Should Know as a New PathWave BenchVue User
PathWave BenchVue software gives you the capability to easily control your instruments and perform in-depth analysis on your measurements. Besides that, the PathWave BenchVue software apps supports more than 700 Keysight Instruments and are continually expanding. In this article, I will be sharing 5 tips to help you onboard to PathWave BenchVue software faster.
1. Downloading the BenchVue Software Apps
You may download the software apps from the link below:
Latest PathWave BenchVue Software
2. Obtaining Trial License for PathWave BenchVue Software
- Firstly, you need to download and install the software apps.
- Then, navigate to PathWave BenchVue Page and search for the relevant software product. For e.g: “BV0001B PathWave BenchVue Digital Multimeter”
- Click on the “Apply for Free Trial”. You need to enter your hostID which can be found by launching “Keysight License Manager” app from your PC and then submit the trial license request.
- You will receive an email attached with the license file.
- Install the license file using the Keysight License Manager app then launch the software app and enjoy your trial.
3. Instruments that are supported by PathWave BenchVue Software
The links below describes all the instrument models that are supported by PathWave BenchVue apps.
PathWave BenchVue Software Supported Instruments
4. Activate PathWave BenchVue Software after purchase
You will receive an email with “Software Entitlement Certificate”. There are 3 information you will need to take note in the certificate, which are:
a. Keysight Order Number
b. Keysight Certificate Number
c. Instructions
Firstly, download and install the software app. Then, go to www.keysight.com/find/BenchVue_CCL_License and follow the licensing instructions.
5. PathWave BenchVue Software comes as complimentary for customers who have purchased Keysight Instruments.
The link below describes which instrument models are eligible for a free PathWave BenchVue software.
Instrument Models that are included with PathWave BenchVue
I hope these 5 quick tips will help you to get onboard fast and enjoy using our software.
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