Woz Keynotes Test Automation Live from the Lab Event
The Software Test Automation Live from the Lab is happening on October 28th, but you can reserve your spot today.
This virtual event features live workshops, huge prizes, and a keynote session with Steve Wozniak!
Here's what to expect:
- Sit down with Steve Wozniak and hear his thoughts on the changing face of software IT. Submit your own questions for Woz when you sign up!\
- Learn how to reduce your test time, simplify end-to-end user testing, and increase revenue by automating your software test and development processes\
- See test automation in action. Live workshops with test experts will explore how to automate tests for salesforce and two-factor authentication \
- Win autographed swag from Woz and a $10,000 Ultimate Test Automation Studio
Sign up now and join me on October 28th!
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