Join the Stump the Experts Contest Today: Combine Expertise and Spur Innovation
The 5G era is coming in at a high rate of speed. 5G will not only bring ultra-high-speed internet connections to mobile devices but also elevate the world to full connectivity. 5G technology will revolutionize manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, healthcare, and many other industries. It represents an enormous leap forward compared to 4G.
To fully unleash the potential of 5G, however, a significant amount of work is still needed. 5G engineers are working day and night to innovate and build 5G networks, devices, and applications to benefit people around the world. Do you want to lead in the 5G era, or do you want to follow?
Keysight is proud to be a part of the 5G transformation. We provide extensive expertise in 5G end-to-end layer 1 to 7 testing. Keysight solutions enable partners to innovate across the entire mobile ecosystem–chipsets, devices, base stations, and networks.
Learning about 5G technology to foster innovation never stops. One of the best ways to spur innovation is to communicate with your peers to understand the challenges faced across their workflow. That’s why we want to hear what is holding you back from achieving your 5G ambitions.
Keysight’s “Stump the Experts” contest invites engineers like you, working in 5G, to share your technical challenges with Keysight experts via a 1-minute or less video submission. We’re looking for dreamers who want to solve their toughest 5G design and test problems in the trenches. There is nothing better than advancing your knowledge and your product by learning from your peers within the “mastermind community.”
Keysight 5G experts are engaged in all aspects of 5G design and testing. From millimeter wave RF transceiver and phased array system design, to network emulation, wireless network field test, drive test, and lab device analytics. Your mission is to present our experts with an issue they can’t address or solve. Stump them, interest them, or outright entertain them, and you may get more than just help with addressing your issue.
Here’s how it works:
1) Record a short 1-minute video about your challenge/issue/question and submit it here. Keysight experts will review your submission.
2) The first 50 people who enter the contest will receive Keysight’s 5G book, “Engineering the 5G World.”
3) The top 100 videos will receive a free T-shirt.
4) If your video stands out, you’ll also win a free consultation with our experts for help in solving your challenge/issue/question. Three contest participants will receive 3 hours of consulting time with a Keysight 5G expert and three runners-up will get 1 hour of consulting time. All winners will be featured on the contest homepage and weekly emails.
To learn more about the contest, please visit the contest homepage: www.keysight.com/find/stumptheexperts.