A Keysight recomenda usar a versão mais atual, que inclui as correções de bugs e arquivos de segurança mais atualizados disponíveis.
Data de lançamento Versão Descrição da Versão
2020-11-20 2020 PathWave Thermal Design (HeatWave) 2020 delivers improved performance, modeling capabilities, SoC design support and visualization of domain and solution and more.
Data de lançamento Versão
2020-11-20 2020
Version Description
PathWave Thermal Design (HeatWave) 2020 delivers improved performance, modeling capabilities, SoC design support and visualization of domain and solution and more.

Note: The minimum license version required to run this software is 3.2. If you are a supported customer, login to the Keysight Software Manager to obtain your updated licenses before installation. For other licensing tasks, see how to Obtain a License.


  • Requires a License

Installs on: PC

Sistema Operacional

  • Red Hat RHEL6 (64-bit)
  • Red Hat RHEL7 (64-bit)

Note: The minimum license version required to run this software is 3.2. If you are a supported customer, login to the Keysight Software Manager to obtain your updated licenses before installation. For other licensing tasks, see how to Obtain a License.


  • Requires a License

Installs on: PC

Sistema Operacional

  • Red Hat RHEL5 (64-bit)
  • Red Hat RHEL6 (64-bit)