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How do I remotely control the Measure @ Marker function of the EMC Option in the N9000A, N9010A, N9020A or N9030A X-Series Signal Analyzers?

The remote command used for executing the Measure @ Marker function, and returning the measured values, in the X-Series signal analyzers is :CALC:MARK:FUNC:MAM?

Further information on the use of this command and others related to Measure @ Marker can be found in the User's & Programmer's Reference manual found below. You can also download one of the two VEE example programs and see how all of the different Measure @ Marker related remote commands can be used.


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The example program is written for theKeysight X-Series Signal Analyzer. It executes the Measure at Marker function and returns the measured values. It also lets you set the detectors used for the measurement as well as the dwell time for each detector.

You can run the program by connecting a PC or Laptop running Keysight VEE to the X-Series Signal Analyzer via GPIB.

Instrument Requirements:

  • Keysight X-Series Signal Analyzer (PXA N9030A, MXA N9020A, EXA N9010A, CXA N9000A)
  • Option EMC

Additional Requirements:

  • VEE Pro or Runtime version 7 or newer
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