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How does the Microsoft end of support for Windows XP affect my E5052B?


SN prefix
(MYxxx, SGxxx)
Win-XP Win-7
E5052B 471 - 473 474 -   

As of April 8, 2014 Microsoft has ceased supporting the Windows XP operating system. No further security patches will be delivered by Microsoft beyond this date.

Your product will continue functioning to published specification on Windows XP. If you use the product in a networked environment or if you send commands from a remote PC to your E5052B, we have prepared recommendations on how to operate in a non-WinXP environment.

In case of any further questions, please contact your local Keysight representative, at your earliest convenience.


Q: How do I update the operating system from Windows XP to Windows 7?

A: Order E5052BU Win-7 upgrade kit. Any hardware configuration can be upgraded.


Q: Is there any combination issue between instrument OS and firmware, software?

A: Firmware which runs on Win-XP is revision A.xx.xx, and firmware which runs on Win-7 is revision B.xx.xx. 
     Firmware revision A.xx.xx cannot run on Win-7 and firmware revision B.xx.xx cannot run on Win-XP.

     After revision B.xx.xx is released, revision A.xx.xx will be fixed only when critical bug is found. For revision A.xx.xx, no enhancement is planned.

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