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How to check the condition of the fuses in U1253A/U1253B before you use it?

To test the fuses inside the U1253A/U1253B OLED display DMM, just follow the instructions below:
1. Set the rotary switch to Ω
2. Connect the red test lead to the input terminal Ω
3. To test Fuse 1, place the tip of the test probe on the right half of input terminal µA.mA. Make sure the probe tip touches the metal inside the input terminal. (Refer to the diagram below).

U1253A/U1253B diagram

4. To test Fuse 2, place and touch the tip of the test probe on the right half of input terminal A. Make sure the probe tip touches the metal inside the input terminal.
5. Observe the reading on the instrument’s display. (Refer to Table 1 below for the possible readings that could appear).
6. Replace the fuse when OL is displayed.

U1253A/U1253B measurement reading
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