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How to calculate the accuracy for U1731B/U1732B Inductance Measurements?

The accuracy is calculated using the formula in the datasheet. For example:

If you need to measure an Inductance value: 500mH at test frequency 1kHz with the U1731B Handheld Multimeter, calculate the accuracy by referring to U1732A/U1732B Inductance Specifications table in the Keysight U1700 Series Handheld LCR Meters Data Sheet.

Inductance accuracy calculation example:
Range : 2000mH
Test frequency: 1kHz
Measured value: 500mH

Based on the U1732A/U1732B Inductance Specifications, accuracy is expressed as ± (% of reading + number of least significant digits).
At 2000mH range, the accuracy is 0.7% + (Lx/10000)% + 5,
Where Lx = counts of displayed L value.

In this case, L = 500.0 mH, then Lx = 5000. The least significant digit is 0.1.

Accuracy = 0.7% + (Lx/10000)% + 5
= 0.7% + (Count of Display Value/10000)% + 5 (LSB)
= 0.7% * (Measured Value)+(5000/10000)% *(Measured Value)+ 5(0.1)
= 0.7% * (500) + (5000/10000)% *(500)+ 5 (0.1)
= 3.5 + 2.5 + 0.5 =6.5

Accuracy = ±6.5mH

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